YouTube Celebrates 10 Years of Creative Expression
Try to imagine living without YouTube for just a few minutes. A world without the Numa Numa kid, overly obsessed girlfriend, and Jenna Marbles is practically inconceivable at this point.
Before YouTube existed, we didn’t have instant access to “How To” tutorials for just about every possible activity, videos featuring up and coming talents or the ability to hear your favorite song in seconds. Not sure about you, but I couldn't imagine living without cute kitten videos or hilarious epic fails on the regular.
Fast forward to a decade later
For the entire month of May, YouTube has been celebrating it’s 10th birthday in style with a handful of awesome events. Celebrities and YouTube personalities from all corners of the internet made appearances from the adorable Grumpy Cat to the man whose name is now a synonym for tricking the masses, Rick Ashton.
I was invited to attend one of many YouTube birthday celebrations this past Wednesday, held at their space in NY, where I met tons of passionate creators. I’ve never seen so many inspiring people together at one event.

YouTube has provided a podium for the Average Joe to make their voice heard. The possibilities of what your channel can become are truly endless and it was reassuring to be surrounded by a bunch of visionaries.

We were also lucky enough to check out some up and coming artists perform such as Marian Hill. This musical duo mixes electronic R&B and the sultry sounds of a saxophone, which reminds me of big bands back in the 1920’s. The duo built their fanbase on YouTube and have recently released their first EP.
Here are two of my favorite Mariah Hill tracks, enjoy!
Tim Noyes, is another amazing singer/songwriter who performed, and he definitely turned some heads. His soft vocals, meaningful lyrics and beautiful guitar work has found it’s way from the small open mics of NYC to the vast internet population.
Listen to the tracks below by Mr. Noyes. You won't be disappointed!
None of this could be possible without the amazing platform of personal expression that we know and love as YouTube. Although my channel is fairly new, I started it because I’ve seen countless examples of success stories through sharing what you love. I’m eager to record more content very soon and hopefully put together some style videos as well.
Subscribe to my channel and check out my latest video below.
Here’s to another 10 years of awesomeness. Happy Birthday YouTube!
I had a blast celebrating YouTube's 10th birthday at their studio space in NYC earlier this week!