Kenneth Ning SS18

Kenneth Ning is well-known for being a creative force in the fashion industry. Although relatively new, Ning has made quite a splash in the world of menswear with his unusual, yet trendy style. Since launching his first collection in the fall of 2014, Ning has been designing interesting, youthful men's clothing, and his "Protocol 18" collection is no different.


Coming from working with labels such as Calvin Klein and Michael Kors, one would probably expect Ning's work to be fairly straight-forward. However, with bold lines and asymmetrical cuts, the collection was anything but.

Skewed so as to catch the eye, his shirts were captivating. With only one or two buttons holding the piece on, it created a new silhouette for menswear. His over-sized, business jackets followed this running theme perfectly, and kept the edgy, cool factor. With Ning's designs being known for appealing to both men and women, his jackets fell perfectly in line as either sex would wear them.


A running theme through most of Ning's collection was that of his color palette. Baby blue, white, black, and camouflage were heavily featured. Many of his pieces were muted or neutral tones with a small pop of color. By utilizing these colors, his collection had a feeling of chic, nerdy toughness, contributing to the overall theme of hackers and technology.


Heavily modernistic and incredibly cool, his work appears to be effortless but also very well-planned. I would say that Ning's collection would greatly appeal to the youth and street style enthusiasts without fail.

@kennethning SS18 runway. | #nyfwm #nyfw #cfda #kennethning #streetstyle #layering #teztrends

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