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Small Habit Changes That Help The Planet 

Guest Post by Lisa Silva

We live in a consumer-focused society, where we buy things before we actually need to. From clothing to conditioner and food products, we are constantly purchasing items because they look interesting even though we don’t really need them. Unfortunately, the result is that we produce a vast amount of waste while throwing away our money on unnecessary items. This is bad for both our planet and our wallets.

Living completely sustainably is not a goal that can be achieved overnight, but it is something to strive for as we work to combat climate change for future generations. The best way to start living sustainably is to do so with slow and steady changes that you will stick to overtime. You can find eco-friendly versions of everything from shampoo bars to skate shoes. If you try to do too much at once, you won’t be able to keep them up as they will make your life noticeably more difficult. 

Without putting too much pressure on yourself, try out some of the tips below to reduce your carbon footprint and make more conscious decisions.

Use Up Items You Already Own

There’s no need to buy a second tube of face cleanser or toothpaste before you have finished the first, yet we all fall into this trap if we see a good deal or a brand we want to try. Unfortunately, this often results in the first tube simply getting thrown away even though it is not used up. Before you go out to buy new things, from beauty products to food items, make sure that you have used up the old items. Then, when you go shopping, make choices to support sustainable brands. 

Audit Your Grocery Shopping

Most of our waste happens when we are consuming food. To start your food audit, take a look at your groceries and see what you have bought that came in plastic containers. Instead of buying those pre-packaged items, choose alternatives next time that don’t come in any packaging. For example, you can buy lettuce that is fresh and tied with a twist-tie, rather than pre-packaged salad in a bag. Look for substitutions at the grocery store or farmer’s market that come without packaging.

Carry Reusables with You

Wherever you go, bring your own reusable items. When you are grocery shopping, you can bring your own reusable bags that you can fill with your food items. When you’re out to lunch, bring your own reusable straw and cutlery so that you don’t have to use disposable ones. Always carry a reusable water bottle -- it’s not only much better for the environment than plastic ones, but it is also a reminder to get your daily intake of water.

Eat Less Meat

Eating less meat is better for the environment, as the livestock industry is a huge cause of greenhouse gas emissions. You don’t have to go completely vegan, but just keep an eye out for plant-based alternatives when you can. When you do buy meat, make sure that it is sustainably farmed. To help you eat consciously on a busy day, it’s generally easier to pack your own lunch, rather than eating out because you never know what options will be available to you. By packing your own food, you can control what you eat and save money in the process.

Spend More Time Outside

There are infinite reasons to spend time outside in nature. To start with, it’s good for your physical and mental health. Whether you are taking a hike in the mountains or going for a swim in a nearby lake, being outside helps you to appreciate the beauty of nature. It’s a constant reminder of why we need to protect the resources we have and work for a better and safer future. 

If your goal is to create zero waste, then keep striving to implement the practices above. There will likely be some plastic products that you can’t replace, but as long as they are reusable and you have given it thought, you are still making a conscious decision. Start with implementing two or three of the suggestions below into your life and go from there. You don’t have to do everything at all once, all we ask is that you try!